Presentation of the representation of Ile-de-France

True interface between Ile-de-France and Europe, Ile-de-France Europe is the representation office of the Ile-de-France Region and six County Councils to the European institutions: Essonne, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-et-Marne, Val-de-Marne, Val d’Oise and Yvelines.


  • Informing and raising the awareness on EU policies and programmes
  • Increasing the value and promoting the interests of its members to the European institutions
  • Supporting elected members and keyplayers in their European initiatives
  • Representing the Ile-de-France regional and local authorities to the European institutions IdFE

key dates

1994:The Ile-de-France Region takes part in the creation of the « Association pour la promotion européenne de Paris Île-de-France » (APEPIF) in Brussels.
1999: The « Association pour le développement européen de l’Île-de-France » (ADEIF) ensures the promotion of the Region and five County Councils (Essonne, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne, Val d’Oise) in Brussels.
2001: The Seine-et-Marne County Council joins ADEIF.
2003: ADEIF becomes Île-de-France Europe.
2012 : The Yvelines County Council joins Île-de-France Europe.
2013: The Hauts-de-Seine County Council joins Île-de-France Europe

The team is composed of five permanent staff members, dedicated to monitoring, reporting on EU policies, legislation and programmes; providing advice and support for project development as well as defining lobbying strategies.

Dernières actualités

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