

IdFE strategically monitors EU current affairs, paying particular attention to European policies and programmes that are of interest to Ile-de-France Region. Beyond the funding opportunities offered by the European Commission, the aim is to inform local and regional decision-makers, administrations and stakeholders as early as possible to enable them to have their say on the European decisions impacting their territory and policies.

Focus on

From 2009 IdFE started to communicate about the reflections that were taking place in the European Commission for the preparation of next multiannual financial framework for European programmes that will start in 2014. In its monitoring task, IdFE focuses on policies that have the biggest impact on the Ile-de-France Region, such as: structural funds, transport policy, common agricultural policy, research and innovation, education and training.


IdFE promotes policies and initiatives implemented by Ile-de-France local and regional authorities at the EU level (towards the European institutions, networks and partner regions). Our office also defends the interests of the Region on key topics such as regional policy, education and training, employment, transport, economic development, research and innovation…

Focus on

In order to raise awareness about the Ile-de-France Region and local Councils and to promote their initiatives, IdFE has been organizing since 2009 the “Ile-de-France Days”. This annual three-day event aims at presenting our regions’ assets and projects and fostering the dialogue with European institutions and partner regions through conferences, meetings and social

& networking moments. Through these events, we also aim at bringing our region’s contribution to the debate on the future of European policies and programmes and highlighting the role of regional and local authorities in these policies.


IdFE supports local and regional authorities in their European projects. The association brings technical assistance to Ile-de-France local authorities and other structures wishing to take part to European projects. It helps with the identification of relevant programmes and partners and the preparation and the drafting of the application itself. IdFE also offers its expertise to members willing to answer Commission’s public consultations.

Focus on

IdFE took part in the setting of two projects COMENIUS REGIO that were initiated and developed by Ile-de-France Region in partnership with Helsinki (“Hi-step”) and the Lombardy Region

(“Le fil de la mode”). IdFE brought its expertise and support in particular in the drafting, but it also took part to the projects steering committees. Both projects, that aimed at enhancing

regional co-operation in the field of education, ran between 2009 and 2011.


Even for a region as dynamic and regarded as Ile-de-France, networking is paramount. Common strategies allow local authorities to be better heard and their interests to be better defended. IdFE benefits from a vast network of personal contacts in Brussels and fosters privileged relations with many European institutions representatives: European Commission, European Parliament, Permanent Representations, Committee of the Regions… The association is an active member of several European networks, formal or informal: ERRIN (European Regions Research and Innovation Network), Purple (Peri Urban Regions Platform in Europe), POLIS (Cities and Regions for Urban Transport), the Assembly of European Regions (AER), the Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR), the Network of capital regions and cities, the Airport Regions Conference (ARC). IdFE also works in collaboration with other European local authorities, NGOs and associations in Brussels.

Focus on

Since its creation as an informal network in 2001, IdFE has been involved in ERRIN network (European Regions Research and Innovation Network). ERRIN is a network of more than 90 European regions whose goal is to promote the local dimension of the European research and innovation area and to promote exchanges between local authorities in Europe. IdFE has been a member of the ERRIN Management Board (MB) since the network was relaunched as an association under Belgian law (ASBL). Françoise Chotard, Head of Ile-de-France Europe, will officially become President of the MB at the end of 2011. IdFE is an active members of the health, ICT, transport, tourism, climate change and energy, creative industries and design, and innovation funding working groups.

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